Yay! It’s everyone’s favorite season! Winter is here, along with its biting winds, snow storms, and frigid temperatures.
Aaaaand…That leads to hot drinks, cozy sweaters, cute socks, and heart-warming gatherings with friends and family. One thing about winter is it encourages a lot of indoor-time, which also means playing card games, visiting around the fire drinking coffee, and baking. Those are three activities that I really enjoy.
As for the hot drinks part, that is a newly acquired interest of mine. I don’t profess to be a coffee addict, but I’m sort of understanding why people are. Let me explain why:
I used to always scald my tongue while drinking anything that came in a hot cup. Cocoa, cider, sugary coffee, tea, etc. I’m the type that doesn’t exactly savor things. (Yeah, I’d be the first done eating at the table and the first one to finish the Tootsie lollipop.) When it comes to hot drinks, that is definitely NOT a good thing.
After a while, I kind of felt dumb being the one who ordered smoothies at a coffee shop. Slowly branching out, I would order the iced mocha or Frappuccino from Starbucks, or whatever. Then it progressed…
One time while ordering coffee, I accidentally ordered the hot drink, and I thought “Well, I have to drink this because I just spent half a day’s pay on it!” After letting the (admittedly sugar-filled) coffee cool down a bit, I found I didn’t mind it. In fact, it was quite good.
The best part of my discovery? It really does warm a body up when it’s chilly outside. And who doesn’t want to be seen with the cute Christmas-themed Starbucks cup while window shopping downtown?
Unless you’re a hipster. Then you’ll look chic with the uber-cool, non-conformist coffee shop label on your to-go cup. 🙂
Anyway, stay warm out there. I’ve heard it might snow…!